Xmas 2022 24x16 boy and santa panel example Langmuir Forums TinWhisperer Example Live Stream From Twitch Home & Garden

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Cut Ready for

FireControl  [IHS/THC]

This project is ready to be cut on a CrossFire CNC Machine.
Input your own cut settings on download to customize this file for your specific project.


Xmas 2022 24x16 boy and santa panel example Langmuir Forums TinWhisperer Example Live Stream From Twitch

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit TinWhisperer for the original creation.


1 year ago






christmas xmas forum tinwhisperer santa

  • Xmas 2022 forum fireshare kid with present and santa v2 4.png
  • Xmas 2022 forum fireshare kid with present and santa v2 2.png
  • Xmas 2022 forum fireshare kid with present and santa v2 3.png
  • Xmas 2022 forum fireshare kid with present and santa v2 1.png
  • Xmas santa boy.dxf
  • xmas santa boy.nc
  • TinWhisperer (OP) - 1 year ago
    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1658041316 Twitch live stream of making this. https://forum.langmuirsystems.com/t/twitch-live-stream-cad-cam/24762/87 Langmuir forum post Get the NC file here the one above is set to a .001 sec delay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWKxDXyVw52g8tQQDpZvlcg I also have I YouTube Channel If you have something specific you want to see walked through let me know .

    stan softich - 1 year ago
    good after noon love the design's but on this one issue with firring and torch height control . crossfire xr 14 gage steal , some of your programs work flaw less ,

    TinWhisperer (OP) - 1 year ago
    I have in set for .06 cut height and .015 pierce height in the program? i wonder what the issue could be? Could you post a picture of your finished piece on the forum site? I'd love to see them. ( the link is on the first comment) I am glad your happy with some of the programs!

    stan softich - 1 year ago
    issue on the program is it fires the first cut path , then dry fires the next 3 torch v reads 210v but no fire ,on the longer lines the face torch starts out normal then lifts up accost the cut approx. 1-inch burned the plate . spent about 4 hrs i did remove and down load 3 times , vm checking machine and grounds , gave up loaded 4 more different programs ran flawless , and will attempt some pictures

    TinWhisperer (OP) - 1 year ago
    Ok its is my fault the pierce delay was set to .001 second?! I'll upload a new NC file to the forums https://forum.langmuirsystems.com/t/twitch-live-stream-cad-cam/24762/87 Thank you for pointing it out.

    stan softich - 1 year ago
    well it did work .thanks . ya i know i really need to learn to read g codes

    TinWhisperer (OP) - 1 year ago
    Great! post some pictures of the finish results, I have not cut one yet. Come over the the forum. There is a lot of information on G code to learn over there. https://forum.langmuirsystems.com/

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