Xbox Controller holder Tools

3 Like

1/8 steel and weld together

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit Phuc Tang for the original creation.


4 years ago






holder controller xbox

  • 20200902_212747.jpg
  • 20200902_212738.jpg
  • xbox control holder v2.dxf
  • Sebastián - 4 years ago
    Gracias.Buen trabajo

  • Mike Blake - 4 years ago
    are you using an xbox controller to operate your table?? thats way friggin cool if you are

  • Eddie Byrd - 3 years ago
    I’ve gotta know why you mounted an Xbox controller to your crossfire?!

    Vance - 3 years ago
    In case you have not found out, you can download a plugin for Mach3. If you get an Xbox 360 controller you can use it to control Mach 3, so you can set up jog, and other buttons. Works great

    Joey Novak - 3 years ago
    What?!?! That is AWESOME!

  • damon - 3 years ago
    this is awesome can you please share the file?

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